About Us
The journal Currents of History originated from a periodical publication of the Institute for the History of Labour Movement in Serbia - Currents of Revolution. Under this name, the collection was first published in 1967 and was released annually until 1989. During this period the volumes I-XXI and numbers 1/1988 and 1/1989 were published. The editors of the Currents of Revolution were: Academic Bogumil Hrabak (1967-1975), Dr Milan Borkovic (1977 and 1978), and Dr Jovan Dubovac (1981-1989). From 1990 to 1993 the journal published by the Institute for Recent History of Serbia was called Currents. Numbers 1/1990, 1/1991 and 1-2/1992 were published under the editorship of Dr Momčilo Mitrović.
The present structure of the journal was established in 1993. It was renamed to Currents of History and gained a new format, content, and style. First, it was published quarterly, but since 2010 it has been published three times a year. The Chief Editors of the journal were: Dr Latinka Perović (1993-2000), Dr Mile Bjelajac (2000-2005 and 2009-2012), Dr Radmila Radić (2005-2009), Dr Gordana Krivokapić Jović (2012-2016) and Dr Slobodan Selinić (2016-2020). Articles, stories, archival sources and criticisms have covered new themes and followed new historical trends. Beside the articles on economic and political organizations of the labour movement, the history of Serbian society between two world wars and during the World War II, the history of government and communist party in socialist Yugoslavia, the journal also includes articles on social ideas, modernization trends, political parties, history of institutions, churches and religious relations, economic development, social classes, foreign policy and international relations during the Cold War, remarkable people and statesmen, national minorities, the family and the status of women, the history of Serbs outside Serbia, private life, causes and circumstances of the disintegration of socialist Yugoslavia, assessing foreign historiography and its view of Yugoslav history and others.
Today, the journal Currents of History is published three times a year, the third number being published in English. All manuscripts are sent to double-blind peer review. The policy of the journal is to publish only original scientific papers that meet high scientific standards and deal with the history from the early 20th century to the present and encourage interdisciplinary approach. Starting from the number 2/2016 the journal Currents of History is included in the ERIH PLUS list.
Dr Vladan Jovanović, Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade (Serbia)
Editorial Board
Dr Aleksandar Raković, Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade (Serbia)
Dr Vesna Đikanović, Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade (Serbia)
Dr Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić, Institute of Contemporary History, Belgrade (Serbia)
Dr Dragan Bakić, Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, Belgrade (Serbia)
Prof. Dr Catherine Horel, CNRS, CETOBAC, Paris (France)
Prof. Dr Bojan Balkovec, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Prof. Dr Yaroslav V. Vishnyakov, MGIMO University, Moscow (Russia)
Prof. Dr Árpád Hornyák, University of Pecs (Hungary)
Prof. Dr Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Charles University, Prague (The Czech Republic)
Dr Sabine Rutar, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg (Germany)
Editorial Secretary
Dr Milana Živanović, Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade (Serbia)
ISSN 0354-6497
eISSN 2560-547X
doi 10.31212/tokovi
Journal Tokovi istorije (Currents of History) is included in
ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library)
DOAJ (Directory of Open Acess Journals)