Prof. dr Bojan Balkovec
Bojan Balkovec was born in Ljubljana on 17th February 1963. He graduated at the Faculty of Arts, University in Ljubljana. There he also obtained his master's degree and PhD in 1998. Since 1987 he has been employed at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University in Ljubljana. He lectures on all levels of study. He is a member of a research group at the Department of History. His research focus is Contemporary Slovenian history, history of parliamentarism, local history.
Since 2000 he is member of editorial board of Zgodovinski časopis.
Selected bibliography:
- Balkovec, Bojan, 2018. Zaplembe tujega tiska v prvi Jugoslaviji – Primer tiska iz ZDA. V Nečakov zbornik: Procesi, teme in dogodki iz 19. in 20. stoletja, ur. Kornelija Ajlec, Bojan Balkovec, Božo Repe, 175–189. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.
- Balkovec, Bojan, 2017. "Svi na noge, svi van, da pobjeda bude što sjajnija": izborna teorija i praksa u međuratnoj Jugoslaviji. Zagreb: Srednja Europa
- Balkovec, Bojan, 2017. »O izborima u prvih dvadeset godina samostalne Slovenije«. Historijski zbornik God. 70, br. 1: 159–200.
- Balkovec, Bojan, 2017. »Delavec in delavka se starata«. V Starost - izzivi historičnega raziskovanja, 143–159. Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino.
- Balkovec, Bojan, Šubic, Ivana, 2015. Die Einzelheiten und Unterschiede zwischen den Wahlen in Slowenien und Kroatien in den Jahren 1920-1927. Review of Croatian history = Revue für kroatische Geschichte = Revue d'histoire croate. Vol. 11, no. 1: 47–81.
Complete bibliography: