Natalija Dimić

Natalija Dimić (1991) works as a research assistant at the Institute for the Recent History of Serbia, in Belgrade. She graduated in contemporary history from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. She is a PhD candidate at the Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy. Her PhD thesis entitled The Cold War Rivalry between Two German States and Yugoslavia 1949-1969 is being supervised by Professor Radina Vučetić. Natalija spent the 2017/18 academic year in Berlin, at the Berliner Kolleg Kalter Krieg. She published several articles in Serbian and international academic journals. Her fields of research include German-Yugoslav relations during the 20th century, foreign policy of socialist Yugoslavia, and international relations during the Cold War.

Selected bibliography:

-        „На обнови Југославије радимо за Немачку: немачки заробљеници, антифашисти, пропагандисти“, Токови историје, 2/2020, стр. 75-105.

-        “In Search of an Authentic Position: The First Phase of Political and Ideological Cooperation between Yugoslavia and the West European Left, 1948–1953”, Acta Histriae, Vol. 27, No. 1, (2019), pp. 55-74.

-        “Achievements and Limitations of Yugoslavia’s Policy in Angola during 1960s and 1970s”, Afriche e orienti: rivista di studi ai confine tra africa mediterraneo e medio oriente, Vol. XIX, No. 3 (2017), pp. 9-30.

-        „Vili Brant, Jugoslavija i jugoslovensko-sovjetski sukob: Nastajanje nove istočne politike?“, u: Друштвене науке пред изазовима савременог друштва. Тематски зборник радова (Ниш: Универзитет у Нишу 2017)

-        „Slika Jugoslavije u istocnonemačkoj štampi 1957. godine“, Istorija 20. veka, 2/2, 2015, str. 131- 150.
