Currents of History 1/2019

Nemanja Andrijašević

The work of prof. Dr Đoko Slijepčević at the The Southeast Institute (Südosteuropa Institut) in Munich 19551975

Апстракт: Ђоко Слијепчевић (1908–1993) био је историчар цркве. У Минхену се запослио на Институту за Југоисточну Европу (Südosteuropa Institut). Његов дводеценијски рад при овој институцији досада није био предмет проучавања српских историчара, истраживача црквене историје у Србији, а није био ни тема радова у Савезној Републици Немачкој. Циљ овог рада је преглед Слијепчевићевог ангажмана на Институту за Југоисточну Европу. У раду ће бити приказани резултати истраживања у Баварском државном архиву (Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv) и Баварској државној библиотеци (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek), који се тичу улоге, ангажмана и активности проф. Слијепчевића на Институту.

Key words: The  Southeast Institute (Südosteuropa Institut), Bavarian State Archives (Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv), emigration, Munich.


After having emigrated to Germany in 1954, professor dr Djoko Slijepčević started working at the Southeast Institute (Südosteuropa Institut) in Munich in 1955. During his work on the article, the author used Archives of the above mentioned Institute, as well as the archival records of the Bavarian State Archives. The introduction is followed by a short history of the Southeast Institute with reference to the relevant literature concerning the Institute and all of its directors during the period outlined in the article. After that, professor Slijepčević`s work at the Munich`s Institute since 1955 was considered in further detail: the date of his reception into the Institute, the exact amount of his salary, the problems he had had with health insurance, his precise role, engagement and activities at the Institute, as well as the creation of some of his works during the two decades that he had spent there. Finally, the article presents the details surrounding the termination of prof. Slijepčević`s work at the Institute, i.e. his retirement. In conclusion, we see the summary of his work at the Institute from 1955-1975. The extensive publishing work of Prof. Slijepčević had been stressed as seen in his numerous valuable scientific and currently relevant works: books, monographs, articles, studies, papers and lexicographic units that he left in spite of his very difficult emigrant life.
